Monday, July 27, 2009

Baseball and Gooseberry

It was all about the outdoors for Addison this past weekend. She made her first trip to Gooseberry Falls on Saturday (we were able to miss all of the scattered rain drops). She slept through most of it, but liked being outside. Then she went to her first baseball game last night with a trip to Wade Stadium for the Duluth Huskies (Huskies lost 4-2). Thanks Auntie Marj for the tickets!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Addison Meyer - All Smiles

Addison Rae has had a busy summer. She went to her second off-road truck race with daddy, celebrated the fourth of July, had her Baptism, went Charlie and Bev's cabin and has been growing like a weed. She is all smiles and so much fun! Here are some new pictures.

Later, Jeremy

Addison is starting to smile a lot. She is one happy baby.

She's getting lot's of tummy-time and is wide-eyed throughout the process.

Happy Fourth!

Addison went to the TORC Bark River race supported the Hord Racing Team
Of course, proper ear protection for a six-week old!

Her baptism gown. The same one that her mom wore.
Cousin Bella (Meyer) got to hold Addison at the Baptism
And Cousin Annika (Meyer) also took a turn at Addy.

She didn't cry at all during the church service or the Baptism, even when the water was poured on her head.

L. to R. - Godfather Chris (Meyer - Jeremy's brother), Godmother Anna Bell (Steph's sister), Father Jim, Mom, Addison and Dad
Up next: Addison's trip to Grand Rapids for a family fishing trip.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Growing Too Fast!

Back, upon popular demand, (or just plain DEMANDS!), new photos of Addison Rae. She's had a busy first six weeks of life, including a trip to the zoo, her first race (an off road truck race in Crandon, Wis.), her first Fourth of July and her baptism.

She has started smiling at Mom and Dad, and is growing like a weed. She is really starting to notice things around her and is reaching for blocks and toys all the time. She actually has flipped herself over from back to stomach, something that scares both of us.

I'll get some Baptism pictures up later this week, but these should hold off the growing tide.

Thanks again to everyone and their generosity,

Jeremy and Steph

Addison's ready for her first off road race and is sporting the AMSOIL colors.

Addison and Dad ready for a day at the office.
Addison takes her first bottle. Mom is REALLY, REALLY happy about this accomplishment.

We are going to do the Teddy Bear Test. Take a picture next to a Teddy Bear every month and see how she grows.

Addison is all smiles about the Fourth of July.

The cousin's (Chris and Annette's Clan), get a chance to see their new cousin before the baptism.

Left to Right; Spencer, Ethan, Bella, Annika and Mason Meyer

Hope everyone's having a good summer.